Social Media And SEO – An Integrated Strategy For Your Site

Managing a business on the web is a very complex activity, as it branches out through different channels and requires numerous optimization activities. To be successful on the internet, the company’s website must undergo a practice that takes the name of SEO. At the same time, it is useful to study a social media marketing strategy for social networks. These two practices, often considered separate from each other, can work together to improve the company’s visibility and sales. So let’s see how social media and SEO can influence each other.

How Do Social Media And SEO Interact?

The two activities of social media optimization and SEO are often considered separate due to an algorithm. Social media are, in fact, based on an independent algorithm compared to that used by search engines. For this reason, these two aspects are often managed separately, but, in hindsight, they are much more related to each other than it appears. How? A correctly optimized website and a regularly updated Facebook page can significantly increase invisibility if the two are connected. 

An optimized website will have a good chance of appearing in users’ online search results, generating traffic to the site. At this point, visitors could be redirected to the company’s Facebook page via the classic social icon on the site. If they then decide to follow the social page, they could always stay up to date on the latest news, discounts and promotions, building loyalty to the company. Conversely, a Facebook page that posts content regularly will help increase its online visibility. If it contains a link to the reference website, some visitors may decide to visit the site page, with obvious advantages regarding visibility and sales. 

Even in a drop in traffic, a strong link between these two channels is extremely useful. If, for example, you notice a sharp decline in visitors to the site, a series of countermeasures must be implemented, which, however, take some time to be effective. In the meantime, we can count on social media as an alternative traffic source. Therefore, creating a solid link between social media and websites becomes fundamental for an integrated commercial strategy. 

How To Increase Visitors (And Sales)

Creating a communication channel between social networks and the website is an excellent way to increase your company’s presence on the web, which, however, requires an integrated strategy. But be careful. This does not mean that social media and SEO must follow the same strategy, quite the contrary. They perform different roles in terms of communication:

  1. SEO is the most effective tool to increase the visibility of a website.
  2. On the other hand, social media is the ideal channel for generating brand awareness.

Simplifying the discussion, we can say that SEO intercepts “random” customers, while social media speaks to “trusted” customers. Therefore, the integrated strategy mentioned above must take this aspect into account and the peculiarities and needs of the various commercial activities. Let’s take the example of integrated social media and SEO strategy to understand better.  From an SEO perspective, one of the most important aspects concerns the “freshness” of the contents: the regular publication of news, information, etc. 

Many websites contain a section dedicated to NEWS in which articles related to the reference activity are published. This practice also allows the site to position itself on search engines for specific keywords in the articles above, consequently increasing its visibility. These articles can then be posted on social media to reach the most loyal audience and feed traffic to the site. Furthermore, even the social pages always require new content to perform at their best. It is a basic but extremely effective commercial strategy as it firmly links the website and the social page to each other, with all the advantages we have already highlighted.

Link Building

One last aspect to consider is link building, the SEO practice that aims to increase the number of quality inbound links to the site. This is a fundamental operation, as search engines positively consider sites with a good number of links from other internet pages. On closer inspection, it is a rather obvious speech. If many internet pages of companies in the same sector refer to the site (through links), that site is probably very authoritative. Therefore, the goal is to be considered an authoritative site, to receive many incoming links and, ultimately, to see traffic on the site and sales grow. Social networks can contribute to this purpose, creating a network of links useful for link building. 

Social Media And SEO For An Omnichannel Strategy

All the things said so far are integrated into Omnichannel Marketing. This strategy represents the new frontier of digital marketing as it offers numerous advantages compared to a strategy that focuses on a single communication channel. Among the many benefits it offers, we find the increase in brand awareness and the increase in traffic and conversions. More and more users expect to find a company through different communication channels.

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