Instagram Carousels: What Are The Advantages?

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms for online users today. So much so that according to some statistics, in 2022, the platform recorded 1.074 billion active users every month, or almost 13% of the global population. These are considerable numbers, which is fundamental for understanding how much digital and networking have changed how we live and relate to the outside world. 

In particular, are the images (the main content around which the communication on Instagram revolves), which, thanks to their evocative capacity, have made the experiences perceptible to different eyes. These can recall different emotions and, through sharing, make them livable for other people. Their diffusion has therefore given the information disseminated online in this form a new value: more suggestive and fascinating. 

This is one of the reasons that drive more and more companies to approach social networks such as Instagram, which is capable of acting on users’ emotional sphere and preparing tools capable of communicating by leveraging on the sense of sight; carousels are among them. In this article, let’s see what they consist of, their function, and how to apply them within effective multi-channel marketing strategies.

What Are Instagram Carousels, And What Is Their Function?

Born as a photographic social media based on the instant sharing of images, Instagram (whose name is the portmanteau of two terms: “instant camera” and “telegram“) has evolved a lot over the years and introduced new features to keep up with market trends and meet the needs of its users. In particular, for some time now, the platform has included the possibility of creating Instagram carousels. 

It is a solution that allows you to share in a single post a series of images or videos (maximum 10) that can be viewed by swiping your finger from right to left or vice versa. It’s about creating a slideshow, a mini digital album displaying the photos in sequence. What is their function?

Carosello’s Instagram was designed to generate greater engagement with the public. This tool requires the user to perform a specific action with the published content (scrolling), through which (and only through which) he can get an overall and clear idea of ​​the post and its content. But what are the advantages of such a solution? Let’s see them in the next paragraph.

Creating Instagram Carousels: What Are The Advantages?

In the article’s introduction, we mentioned the ability of images to be evocative and how capable they are of arousing emotions and making the audience experience unique experiences through different points of view. Starting from this consideration, therefore, it is easy to understand that Instagram carousels, by their nature, a sequence of images, can maximize similar effects even more. It is no coincidence that various brands use this feature to implement their storytelling strategies. 

In other words, companies decide to tell each other and describe their identity by exploiting the typical potential of images and encouraging their audience engagement by creating creative slideshows that attract their attention. What is the result of this choice? Encouraging the user to remember the company’s value proposition and improving brand awareness among the reference target. These advantages, however, are not the only ones. 

Thanks to this particular post type, it can increase the public’s engagement with published content. The main purpose of companies, which decide to take advantage of social platforms, is to attract the attention of their current and potential consumers, intercepting them at the touchpoints they most frequent. For this reason, Instagram carousels are an excellent tool for intriguing the public and keeping them glued to the social network and the published content, encouraging interaction, i.e. scrolling. 

The platform considers this last aspect a positive interaction. This factor will lead the algorithm to attribute greater value to the post, increasing its visibility within social media, as it is considered interesting for the public and, consequently, effective. Furthermore, since sponsoring the Instagram carousel is possible, brands can make more products or services known to the target through a single advertisement, greatly reducing the advertising budget.

Effective Instagram Crousels: How To Create And Implement Them Within Multi-Channel Solutions

The benefits that Instagram carousels can generate for companies that decide to implement them within their social editorial calendar are particularly interesting. However, to take advantage of this solution and succeed with your marketing strategies, you need to create ad hoc content consistent with the corporate identity, its values ​​and the objectives the brand wants to reach. What Should I do? Collaborating with companies specializing in web marketing for over twenty years, such as Ediscom, is highly recommended. 

Our digital company makes the experience and skills gained over time on the various social platforms available to its partners to create personalized creativity integrated with the publishing platform, respecting its formats and communication methods. Furthermore, by accurately studying the client company and its reference target, we create effective and performing advertisements, directing them to a highly segmented audience based on the client’s needs.

All this while always taking care of the partner’s business objectives and trying to favor the increase in earnings and the optimization of the ROI. Within the targeted activity that Ediscom studies, together with its partner, it will be possible to insert high-performance Instagram carousels for social networks, which intrigue the public and involve them by inserting specific calls to action that lead them to carry out the desired action.

Not only that, but to increase its company’s success, Ediscom designs multi-channel solutions capable of attracting consumer attention to various touchpoints. In other words, Instagram carousels and social advertising, in general, can be implemented within an even larger marketing project, which involves using more high-performance tools, such as DEM and SMS, to increase the effectiveness of one’s online campaigns. If you want to learn more about the topic, you can read our article dedicated to integrated marketing.

Also Read: WhatsApp Business For Retail: 3 Ways To Use It

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