HomeINTERNET & TELECOMHow To Delete An Outlook Account

How To Delete An Outlook Account

Some time ago, you chose to open your Outlook record to utilize a different email address to trade messages with companions, family members, and work associates. Over the long run, in any case, you have understood that you needn’t bother with another email address, and thus, you might want to close the record forever, yet you don’t have any idea where to begin. Erasing an Outlook profile isn’t muddled in any way. It might be ideal if you had a little tolerance and a couple of moments to dedicate to the activity. Presently, we should exhaustively see how to erase Outlook accounts bit by bit. Relax.

The methodology is straightforward, and with the right tips, you will want to finish it in the blink of an eye. Be that as it may, before getting to the core of this instructional exercise, stop for a couple of moments on the following passage to have a few essential and fundamental data as a primary concern before finishing the record erasure method. On the off chance that the theme intrigues you and you can hardly wait to figure out all the fundamental data to eliminate your record on the notable Microsoft email administration for the last time, we need to focus on it, and the move began immediately. 

What To Know Before Proceeding

Similarly, as with any record scratch-off, even the one that will permit you to bid farewell to your Outlook address conclusively, and in this manner, your record has a few results that you should know and cautiously assess before continuing. With the cancellation of the record, you can never again exploit a few administrations connected to your Microsoft accounts, like OneDrive, Xbox, and Skype (assuming that you utilize the Skype stage to video call with companions, family members, and partners with the Microsoft account). Recollect that you will lose all documents connected with the recently referenced administrations. Still sure you need to make proper acquaintance with the Outlook account?

Assuming your response is accurate, you at last need to know that to close the Outlook.com email account forever. You want to close the Microsoft account. Whenever you complete your Microsoft Account, your email and contacts are erased from the servers and can’t be recovered sometime in the not-too-distant future. To eliminate your Outlook account, you want to make sure that there are, at present, no membership benefits still dynamic for you. What to do? Simple, check if there are presently active services on your account that you do not use by following these steps:

  1. Go to the official Microsoft website
  2. At the bottom, select Account Profile
  3. Click on Login now
  4. Log into your account
  5. Then enter your credentials
  6. Select the tab you want to remove
  7. Enter your password
  8. Enter the subscription management panel
  9. Then click on Services and Subscriptions
  10. Check that there are no active subscriptions

Assuming you utilized your Outlook record to send and get messages with companions, family, and partners before continuing with the record cancellation, you should save your contacts. You can make a reinforcement by sending out your communications straightforwardly in the record settings by tapping on the thing People. Likewise, after erasing a record from Outlook, you will never again send and get messages from that record in Outlook. 

Are they all unmistakable? Assuming you’re considering logging out of your email account, select your profile name or picture in the upper right corner of the window and pick Log Out. On the off chance that, then again, you need to continue with the scratch-off of the record, We welcome you to keep perusing the accompanying section to check every one of the critical stages to have the option to erase the set of experiences.

How To Delete An Outlook Account

To delete an Outlook account, you need to follow a few simple steps by removing your Microsoft account. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Open the browser you usually use to browse the Internet
  2. Go to the Account section of the Microsoft website
  3. Click now on the Login item
  4. Log into the account by entering your credentials
  5. Go to the area to close your Microsoft account
  6. Check that your correct Microsoft account is displayed on the page
  7. You can choose to set a period of 30 or 60 days to take time to evaluate your decision calmly
  8. To continue, click on the Next button
  9. Choose the reason why you want to close the account
  10. Select the item Mark account for closure
  11. Complete the account deletion process

Well, at this point, you can feel satisfied. The account has been removed! We remind you that the operation is not immediate and that you can set a period of 30 or 60 days to take all the time you need to evaluate your decision calmly.


We have told you the best way to erase your Outlook account, an easy and fast activity that We are certain you will finish in a brief time frame. Concentrate and follow every one of the means we have shown you in the past passages to eliminate forever a record you believe is pointless and never again used. On the off chance that you have perused this article, probably for quite a while, you have been considering how to erase your Outlook account, and after vain endeavors, you have chosen to look on the web to have the option to sort it out.

Assuming this is unequivocally the situation, you will prevail in your goal following the technique we introduced to you a couple of lines above. We want to believe that we gave you all the data you wanted and searched for when you went over my site today. Before continuing, cautiously rehash the passage committed to supportive fundamental data to know before eliminating your Outlook record, and require a couple of moments to ponder smoothly and serenely your choice. As you might review, erasing an Outlook account additionally prompts erasing a Microsoft account. 

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